Here you’ll find the latest events organized by Ma Khin Café. Come on and join us!

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South East Asian food meets Las Fallas: Our special menu available from 6th March

In the Mercado Colón there´s already a Fallas vibe! Come and join us to celebrate this most Valencian of fiestas. This year we’ve introduced a new Burmese style ginger salad with peanuts and lime. Salads are among the most typical dishes in Burmese cuisine, combining flavours and textures of fresh and crispy ingredients in a [...]

Cooking Demonstration With Steve Anderson And Zaw Mahesh (Lah Pet, London)

On 17th May, Ma Khin Café has organized a cooking demonstration with chefs Zaw Mahesh from the renowned Burmese Restaurant Lah Pet in London and Steve Anderson chef proprietor of Ma Khin Café. Join us for a private dinner with the chefs after the demonstration. Bookings are now being taken for this memorable experience, one [...]

Burmese menu from 18th to 21st May at Ma Khin Café

As part of the activities organized for the Valencia Culinary Festival, Zaw Mahesh, chef proprietor of the renowned Burmese restaurant Lah Pet in London and Steve Anderson of Ma Khin Café have put together a menu that will give you a real taste of Burmese gastronomic traditions influenced by two different, cosmopolitan visions of this [...]

Cookery demonstration: Stir fries. 19th July 19:00 in Ma Khin Café

There's nothing quite like a quick stir fry on a hot summer evening. In this demonstration, Steve Anderson shares with you some of his favourite recipes for a delicious and quick dinner. After the demonstration, enjoy a delicious supper with the dishes demonstrated and other classics from our a la carte menu. Dinner and drinks [...]

Cookery demonstration: Asian food for coeliacs. 9 August 19h

Asian food has so many options for this with a gluten allergy. In this demonstration Steve Anderson demonstrates some of the favourite dishes from Ma Khin Café apt for coeliacs. After the demonstration enjoy a specially prepared dinner with the chefs and the other course participants. Although the Course is in Spanish, Steve makes everything [...]

Cooking course: Gluten free healthy Asian food 30 September 10h

Many of our customers have requested another cooking course that includes dishes without gluten. We're constantly trying to increase the variety  of dishes for coeliacs at Ma Khin Café as we find more and more people have this limitation in their diets.ASian food offers many alternatives to gluten, with flours made from pulses and rice [...]

Cookery demonstration:Indian vegetarian food 18 October 19h

At the present moment, the interest in Asian food and the search for healthy eating options are very much on-trend. Against this backdrop, the Vegetarian Indian cooking demo (II) is a culinary experience combining the two concerns. The demo not only responds to the growing popularity of Asian food but also addresses the pressing need [...]

Thursday 26 October at 19:30h. Presentation Decolonial food.

Is it possible to combine the best of South East Asian food with products from the mediterranean and do this with flair and innovation? For the last nine years that’s exactly what Steve Anderson Anderson has been doing in Ma Khin Café where he has developed a unique style of cooking. Next Thursday 26 October [...]

Presentation: Decolonial food 2.

The latest Decolonial food event is next Tuesday 12th DECEMBER. Book now as space is limited! Produce, tradition, culinary encounters and evolution… The 12th of December promises to be a special day when we’ll explore a new angle of decolonial food. Specifically, what happens when Asian culinary traditions fuse with traditional Valencian cuisine. Let’s find [...]

Menús de Navidad 18 de diciembre al 7 de enero

En Ma Khin Café somos especialistas en encuentros y estas Navidades no os vamos a fallar. Sean encuentros con compañeros de trabajo, amigos o familiares, hemos preparado unos menús exquisitos, tanto a mediodía como por la noche, que podréis disfrutar del 18 de diciembre hasta el 7 de enero. Reserva ahora para un encuentro memorable [...]

It’s sales time again at Ma Khin Café

With the end of the Christmas holidays the sales begin, and at Ma Khin Café we're entering into the post Christmas spirit with our own winter sales. When you visit us during the sales period, we'll be offering you a lucky ticket just like Willie Wonka! Inside you'll find a discount of 10, 20 or [...]