MAKHIN MARKETS SL has received a TURISME COMUNITAT VALENCIANA subsidy within the framework of the Resolution of December 19, 2023, of the President of Turisme Comunitat Valenciana, for the granting of aid derived from the resolution of May 5, 2023, of the President of Turisme Comunitat Valenciana, which calls for aid to boost tourism competitiveness for the year 2023. Program 1. This subsidy has file CEV-4-23 and has financed with €21,927.07 the project: “PRODUCT- TRADITION-MEETING-EVOLUTION”.
In compliance with the obligations stipulated in articles 3.1 and 3.2 of Law 2/2015, and article 3 of Decree 105/2017, with respect to article 5 of Law 19/2013, Ma Khin Markets, S.L. announces that it has received from the Valencian public bodies named below, the following grants and subsidies, for the amount detailed:
«Ma Khin Markets has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the use and quality of information and communication technologies and access to them and thanks to which it has [description of the operation] [descripción de la operación] to the improvement of competitiveness and productivity of the company. From 09/15/2019 to 06/30/2021. For this, it has had the support of the TICCámaras program of the Valencia Chamber of Commerce.”
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